Deadpool’s MCU Premiere: How Does Deadpool & Wolverine Fit Into the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Aug 02, 2024


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The long-awaited third installment of the Deadpool trilogy finally hit theaters, bringing the indestructible Merc with a Mouth into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As the first Deadpool MCU film, questions will likely arise about how the iconic character fits into the picture and what it means for the franchise. 

The answers are right here. Fair warning, though — there will be minor spoilers, so make sure you’ve seen the movie or don’t mind the direct references before proceeding. 

A Long Time Coming

Deadpool’s MCU debut is one that Marvel mavens have looked forward to for years. Amid rights ownership barriers with FOX, fans have had to wait 16 years since the first Marvel Studios film in 2008 to see Wade Wilson in the same cinematic universe as the Avengers. 

The smashing success of Deadpool 1 and 2 set the expectation bar high for Deadpool & Wolverine. With a 4-star rating out of 5 by The Standard, an 8.3/10 from IMDB and a 97% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s safe to say the movie was a hit. 

It already made over $38 million in Box Office previews a day before the official release and is projected to set the record for the highest R-rated film opening. 

When Does Deadpool & Wolverine Occur in the MCU Timeline? 

The movie answers this question early on when we see a throwback of Wade meeting with Happy Hogan about joining the Avengers. That was on March 18, 2018, which was slightly before the events of Deadpool 2 and a few months after Thor: Ragnarok in the MCU. Fast forward to six years later would place the current timeline of Deadpool & Wolverine to March 2024. 

At this point, Deadpool has tucked his red-black spandex away and is now making a living selling used cars. However, the Time Variance Authority (TVA) sets events in motion by invading his timeline and informing him of the impending wipeout facing his universe on account of Wolverine’s demise in the 2017 film, Logan. It turns out Deadpool and that Logan were in that same universe. 

The Deadpool MCU Convergence

The simplest way to understand the relationship between the FOX-owned X-Men universe and MCU films is to view them as coexisting timelines in one giant multiverse. Being a renowned temporal regulation agency in the MCU, the TVA’s involvement effortlessly introduces Deadpool’s timeline into its universe. 

Until now, the prevailing theory was that Wade Wilson would traverse the multiverse using Cable’s time travel device, which we used liberally in Deadpool 2. Other theories suggested one of the countless powerful X-Men mutants would rip a hole in the time-space fabric, allowing the merc and his merry band of misfits to travel through. 

In hindsight, the TVA is a more elegant bridge for this purpose because its role and abilities are already well established. Plus, it would save the studio the hassles of introducing a new mutant with such powers, especially when Deadpool & Wolverine already has a huge lineup of top-tier FOX cinematic characters. 

Where It Gets Complicated

As much as we relish seeing Hugh Jackman finally don the iconic yellow-blue Wolverine suit from the comics, the movie producers have some explaining. The events of Logan occur in 2029 — 5 years after what transpires in Deadpool & Wolverine. Now, that makes no sense since Logan’s death supposedly draws the TVA’s attention to Deadpool’s universe. So how can he be dead long after the movie takes place?

To make it even more confusing, Wade digs up Logan’s body, finding it super decomposed. This confirms that he has been long dead in 2024 when the movie in which he dies is in 2029. The most plausible explanation at this point is that both stories happened in different timelines within the same universe. 

Deadpool and Wolverine Have a Long History in the Comics

It’s easy to see why Deadpool and Wolverine make such natural allies in the Marvel comics — they share loosely similar backstories and powers. They’re both ex-soldiers and experimented upon in the Weapon X project. They also possess powerful healing factors, though Deadpool’s is more potent. 

Wade and Logan first appeared as adversaries in the early comics but became frenemies, sharing a love-hate relationship over subsequent years. Their first encounter ended with Wade throwing a grenade at Logan. In one issue, Wolverine teamed up with Deadpool to take down a Shi’ar Stalker robot hunting Jean Grey. 

Audiences saw both characters in film for the first time in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. However, this version of Deadpool had no 4th-wall-breaking capabilities and was just an incessant talker — far from the witty, psychotic jester we came to love in later iterations. Eventually, he had his mouth sewn shut as part of the experiments conducted on him. 

Funny enough, this Deadpool was killed twice — first beheaded by Wolverine in that movie and second by the current version of Wade Wilson in Deadpool 2. 

Marvel’s Messianic Superhero?

Let’s face it — the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been pretty much a snooze fest lately. The movies and TV shows after Avengers: Endgame have been largely unimpressive, as evidenced by their abysmal Box Office earnings. The sheer quantity slated for release diluted the essence of the brand. Most felt unnecessary with weak storytelling, while others featured one too many undertones of politically correct culture to be regarded critically. 

In fact, it’s because of all the backlash that Deadpool & Wolverine is the only Marvel movie scheduled for 2024. Disney finally took the hint and revamped its approach to get back in the fans’ good graces. 

Deadpool’s MCU debut may just be the catalyst for reviving interest in the franchise. In the movie, the character even refers to himself as the Marvel Jesus. At the moment, it’s too soon to tell if those words will become reality, but the potential appeal is undeniable. 

All three Deadpool movies have been solid, setting screens alive with Ryan Reynolds’ humorous portrayal of the titular character. They’ve also cultivated a massive following through the years, which can breathe new life into the MCU’s tired fanbase. 

How Does Deadpool’s Integration Impact the Next MCU Movies?

As with any superhero movie discussion, all kinds of possibilities exist, more so in the multiverse saga. 

If upcoming films take inspiration from the comics, it would be particularly interesting to see a recreation of the issue in which Deadpool goes toe to toe against Thor or teams up with Captain America and Wolverine. 

The impact extends to the actors and audience, too. For instance, Reynolds’ Deadpool could mean abundant X-rated jokes at Disney’s expense — for Jackman, a prime opportunity to explore new depths of Wolverine and for MCU fans, more Deadpool appearances. 

This collaboration could also extend beyond the movies. Several Marvel video games, including Avengers, Spiderman and Wolverine, have received stellar ratings and could benefit from a Deadpool inclusion in subsequent installments. 

The Deadpool MCU Premiere Is Finally Here

Though years in the making, Deadpool and Wolverine have officially joined the MCU, bringing a fresh wave of sarcastic repertoire, 4th-wall breaks and gory mutant violence. These may just be what the Marvel multiverse needs to break out of its slump and genuinely engage audiences again. 

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Jack Shaw is a senior writer at Modded. Jack is an avid enthusiast for keeping up with personal health and enjoying nature. He has over five years of experience writing in the men's lifestyle niche, and has written extensively on topics of fitness, exploring the outdoors and men's interests. His writings have been featured in SportsEd TV, Love Inc., and Offroad Xtreme among many more publications.