What is Muay Thai? A Deep Dive Into the History (And Why You Should Do It)

Feb 12, 2024

Boxing gloves hanging up for Muay Thai

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Muay Thai, a popular sport worldwide, first originated in Thailand. This ancient art has a rich history and deep cultural significance — but what is Muay Thai? Here’s a deep dive into the origins of the ancient art and how to get into the sport. 

What Is Muay Thai?

Muay Thai, often called the “Art of Eight Limbs,” is a traditional martial art and combat sport that originated in Thailand. Renowned for its powerful striking techniques and dynamic movements, Muay Thai includes a range of offensive and defensive strategies. 

Unlike many other striking-based martial arts, Muay Thai uses the entire body as a weapon, incorporating punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes. The name “Art of Eight Limbs” reflects the eight points of contact — two hands, two elbows, two knees and two shins. 

The sport focuses mainly on conditioning and physical toughness. Training involves intense workouts that prioritize building strength, endurance and flexibility. Workouts usually include shadowboxing, heavy bag work, pad drills and sparring to develop skills. Additionally, clinch work, a distinctive aspect of Muay Thai, involves grappling and controlling opponents’ movements, adding a strategic dimension to the art. 

Traditionally, Muay Thai is deeply rooted in Thai culture and history. It has evolved from ancient battlefield tactics to become a national sport that people celebrate during festivals and events across the country. 

Looking at the Ancient Roots

We can trace Muay Thai’s roots all the way back to the Sukhothai era (1238-1438), when it was an essential component of Siamese military training. Initially known as “Muay Boran,” meaning ancient boxing, the martial art involved a combination of strikes, throws and grappling techniques. 

Soldiers received training in unarmed combat and how to properly use weapons like swords, staffs and spears. Over time, Muay Thai became a defining element of Thai military prowess, with each region developing its own unique variations of the art.

The Influence of Warfare

During periods of intense warfare, Muay Thai underwent crucial adaptations to meet the challenges of the battlefield. The emphasis shifted to close-quarters combat and techniques that used the entire body, including elbows and knees. This evolution completely transformed the art into a practical and efficient system for hand-to-hand combat. Its effectiveness in real-world combat situations contributed to its reputation as a formidable martial art both in and outside Thailand. 

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

Muay Thai transcended its role as a combat technique to become a cultural phenomenon deeply embedded in Thai traditions. The Wai Ku, performed before a fight, is a ceremonial dance that pays homage to teachers, ancestors and the spirit of the art. The dance is a physical warm-up and instills a sense of focus and respect on the fighters. Muay Thai’s integration into cultural events and festivals reflects its dual role as a martial art and a celebration of its heritage. 


The formalization of Muay Thai occurred in the early 20th century under the reign of King Rama VII. Gloves and timed rounds were introduced to ensure the safety of the boxers. The sport transitioned from a local martial art to a nationally recognized sport, paving the way for its eventual globalization.

Muay Thai Goes Global

In the latter half of the 20th century, Muay Thai transcended cultural boundaries and gained international popularity. Thai martial arts began to spread to schools, and Thai fighters participated in international competitions. 

The power, dynamic movements and strategic elements attracted boxers worldwide, leading to the establishment of gyms and training centers far beyond the borders of Thailand. 

While it may not be as popular as other forms of martial arts, it’s certainly a growing interest. As of 2022, there were 62,504 martial arts studies in the United States, a 14.5% increase from the previous year. 

Modern Muay Thai

In the 21st century, Muay Thai has evolved into a global phenomenon significantly impacting mixed martial arts (MMA). The sport’s integration into MMA competitions has showcased the effectiveness of Muay Thai techniques on a broader stage. Organizations in the World Muay Thai Council (WMC) and the International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA) have played pivotal roles in standardizing rules and promoting international cooperation. 

How to Get Started

Muay Thai requires extensive dedication and enthusiasm. Here’s how to ensure you get the most out of the sport. 

Find a Local Gym

Because Muay Thai has become such a  global phenomenon, there’ll most likely be a training center in your area. Begin by researching a reputable gym in your region and look for experienced instructors. Many gyms offer introductory classes for beginners, providing a structured introduction to the basics. 

Invest in Essential Gear

To get started, you’ll need some basic gear. Invest in a pair of quality boxing shorts, hand wraps, gloves and shin guards. Some gyms might offer communal equipment for beginners, but having your own gear is a much cleaner and comfortable experience.

Attend a Beginners Class

Everyone starts somewhere. Take advantage of beginner or introductory classes offered by the gym. These classes typically focus on fundamental techniques like how to block a punch, footwork and basic combinations. It’s an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the basics in a beginner-friendly environment. 

Consistency is Key

Muay Thai requires physical conditioning to build strength. Attend training sessions regularly, gradually increasing your intensity as your fitness level improves. By remaining consistent, you’ll be able to progress through the ranks/

Be Patient and Enjoy the Journey

Muay Thai is a physical and mental discipline. Embrace the learning process and stay open-minded. Celebrate small victories and don’t be discouraged by challenges. 

What Is Muay Thai Best For?: The Benefits

Besides the rich history behind the sport, there are several mental, physical and social benefits:

  • It’s a full-body workout: This sport engages multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive full-body workout that’ll improve your strength, stamina and flexibility. Plus, it’ll help you build muscle at the same time. 
  • It’s an effective form of self-defense: With its emphasis on powerful strikes and clinch work, it’ll equip you with practice skills for real-world scenarios.
  • It strengthens your cardiovascular system: The high-intensity nature of training contributes to improved cardiovascular health, improving endurance and overall fitness levels. 
  • It’s a great form of stress relief: The physical exertion can release tension and clear your mind.
  • It can increase your confidence: Learning and mastering new techniques, along with progressing through the ranks, can boost your self-confidence and instill a sense of accomplishment.
  • It builds a sense of community: Training fosters a sense of community and social interaction, allowing you to make meaningful friendships.
  • It improves your coordination and reflexes: The complex movements and combinations enhance coordination and agility.

What is Muay Thai’s Main Appeal?

Muay Thai has journeyed from an ancient battlefield art to a globally recognized sport. Rooted in tradition and spirituality, Muay Thai is a living legacy of Thailand’s martial heritage. As the sport continues to expand worldwide, its rich history continues to be one of its greatest appeals, attracting more and more participants each year.

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Jack Shaw is a senior writer at Modded. Jack is an avid enthusiast for keeping up with personal health and enjoying nature. He has over five years of experience writing in the men's lifestyle niche, and has written extensively on topics of fitness, exploring the outdoors and men's interests. His writings have been featured in SportsEd TV, Love Inc., and Offroad Xtreme among many more publications.